In an exciting development, the BMA are now planning their own legal action against the GMC over the way that the regulation for Physician Associates (PAs) and Anaesthesia Associates (AAs) is being conducted. They are running their action in parallel to ours, using a different legal team and presenting slightly different legal arguments. Their team and ours are working closely together in synergy. They have issued a statement on this.
At the same time, the public is rapidly waking up to the reality of what ‘New Ways of Working’ actually means. Last week the Guardian printed an article which nicely summarised the situation.
Something radical, precipitous and sweeping is under way in the NHS. It’s untried, untested and sorely lacking in evidence, with the potential to cause significant patient harm. I’m talking about the Department of Health and Social Care’s project to rapidly expand so-called medical associate professions (MAPs), the largest group of which are termed physician associates (PAs). None of these groups have a medical degree, nor postgraduate medical training. But their deployment in our health service is billed as “essential” workforce planning.
And we have also seen the Royal College of General Practitioners issue an unambiguous call to halt the recruitment and deployment of additional PAs
Our Crowdjustice appeal for funds has raised almost £70,000. A significant proportion of our donors are members of the public – patients and future patients – who are shocked at what is taking place in the NHS and feel an overwhelming sense of betrayal.
I do not want to be treated by any PA, for any reason, unless under the direct supervision of a Physician or Surgeon fully qualified in the relevant field of Medicine being treated.
So important to protect patients from people who aren’t competent
Thank you on behalf of patients everywhere They are just trying to lie to the public, to provide much less well-trained staff masquerading as doctors,whilst still dumping the ultimate legal responsibility on the doctor. The whole thing is a lie. I have had multiple ‘physician associates’ imply to me they are qualified doctors until challenged
Doctors and their patients are united over their opposition to the outgoing government’s plans for replacing doctors with Associates. And with politicians refusing to talk about their views on these plans (perhaps for fear of losing votes) it is clear that the only way forward is the legal route.
We have previously summarised the legal arguments we are using, and the relevant legislation. We are due to meet with our barrister on July 3rd and will keep you updated on progress. Working with the BMA will, we hope, increase our chances of success.
Our appeal for funds continues, so please help us reach our target. You can donate here.