We held a very productive meeting today with our full legal team at Blackstones. We discussed many of our concerns about the way in which the GMC has introduced regulation for Anaesthesia Associates and Physician Associates. Our lawyers shared our concerns and are preparing to write formally to the GMC on our behalf, hopefully next week. There is, however, a great deal of work still to do in preparing the case.
Our lawyers are especially interested in hearing from patients who have been directly affected by some of these issues and who are prepared to share their experiences. In particular, instances where patients were unaware that they were being treated by an Associate, rather than a doctor, and instances where there may have been inadequate levels of supervision. If you, or someone you know, are able to supply us with relevant personal information or case histories then please contact us by email at team@anaesthetistsunited.com
We are closely following the BMA’s own legal case and are fully supportive of their action. We are not duplicating what they are doing; the focus and aim of our own case is different, and is concentrated on the true meaning and aims of ‘regulation’ and ensuring doctors and associates understand their respective roles with patient safety in mind.
We hope to have another update by the end of next week. In the meantime, we need funds in order to pay our legal costs, so please help by donating to our fund.