Thank you for all the donations you have made to our campaign Stop misleading patients – Physician Associates cannot replace doctors.
We have been fundraising for 16 days and so far have reached just over £60,000. Our initial target was £15,000 – the amount that we needed to get a proper legal opinion – and our solicitor and barrister are hard at work. We have arranged a conference with them during the first week of July and we will be able to report after that on our next steps.
But in the meantime, we are surprised that the whole issue of Associates, and how they are replacing doctors, is so under-reported and under-recognised both by doctors themselves and the wider public. And we would greatly appreciate any help you could give in spreading the message, either through social media, WhatsApp groups, personal contacts or other routes. There’s an election coming up, and candidates need to be asked whether, if they are elected, they will support replacing doctors with Associates that are not medically trained
You can show them The video we are using to promote the case – One of the most important legal challenges in the history of UK medicine will affect us all made by the Campaign for Social Justice Video
There is a collection of press cuttings here.
We’ve also prepared a template WhatsApp/Telegram message you can use, either as-is or modified to your taste.
It’s shocking to discover the way in which doctors are being replaced by less-well-trained Physician and Anaesthesia Associates, and how little public attention this is getting. Here is a short video that really summarises the situation very nicely; and it isn’t surprising that so many people are donating money now to fight this change. Pass it on.
At this point in the campaign we think informing people about what is happening in the NHS is our Number 1 priority. Please use your Facebook, MumsNet, LinkedIn and similar platforms to their best.
Thanks again from all the Team at Anaesthetists United. We are grateful for all the messages of support. The medical profession stands united.