Legal Case Update 3/7/24

We held a very productive meeting today with our full legal team at Blackstones. We discussed many of our concerns about the way in which the GMC has introduced regulation for Anaesthesia Associates and Physician Associates. Our lawyers shared our concerns and are preparing to write formally to the GMC … Read more


In an exciting development, the BMA are now planning their own legal action against the GMC over the way that the regulation for Physician Associates … Read more

Progress report 18/6/24

Thank you for all the donations you have made to our campaign Stop misleading patients – Physician Associates cannot replace doctors. We have been fundraising … Read more

Are you voting to replace doctors?

The press have termed them fake doctors. Their correct titles are Physician Associates and Anaesthesia Associates (PAs and AAs). And as the public gradually becomes … Read more

GMC legal challenge

GMC Legal Challenge

The General Medical Council was given powers under the Medical Act 1983 to regulate doctors and protect the public from those falsely claiming to be … Read more

The RCoA Survey results

“Anaesthesia Associates are basically a solution without a problem. We need more anaesthetists who can do the work needed.” The results of an independent survey, … Read more