It is time for change

Time for the Royal College of Anaesthetists to listen. Enough is enough.

This is not a petition. This is not another survey. This is our opportunity to take immediate, decisive action on the three things that concern us most.

  •     Anaesthesia Associates
  •     Rotational Training
  •     National Recruitment

This is our chance to re-align the College with its members, rather than its chosen path of appeasement and procrastination so overtly evident recently.

We want to derail the proposed ten-fold expansion of Anaesthesia Associates, which comes at a time when we are failing to train enough doctors.

We need to end the isolating, impoverishing and dehumanising effects of short-term rotational training.

And hold the recruitment system accountable for its mistakes and make recruitment interviews more transparent.

This is an excerpt from the Lets Talk event held at the RCoA on 25th July 2023. Dr Wong, a consultant from London and a founder member of Anaesthetists United, gives his views on the impact that the proposed expansion of Anaesthesia Associates will have. The full video is available at