It’s open.

Registration and voting for the College EGM on October 17th opens today. So watch out for an email from electoral services provider Mi-Voice. The email will come from with the subject line ‘RCoA EGM 2023: Important attendance and voting information’.

There are two ways you can vote:-

  • You can register to attend the online EGM and vote there, or
  • You can exercise a proxy vote and vote now.

If you need a reminder of what we are calling for you can read the Motions in full at  . 

In summary our Motions are:-

  • Opposing the expansion of Anaesthesia Associates
  • Ensuring the supervision of Anaesthesia Associates
  • Informing patients about who will be treating them
  • Limiting unnecessary placements and short rotations
  • Holding ANRO to account
  • Investigating the possibilities of regional recruitment

We can win this EGM before it even starts if enough people exercise their proxy vote. Please look out for the College email, act now and let’s get Anaesthesia in the UK back on track.